B Team
The B Team, also known as The Alliance, is a group containing three members. Jenna, Melissa, and Shana. The Alliance first comes to light in "UnmAsked," when Jenna meets Shana (unknown at the time) in the park and gives her instructions. In "A DAngerous GAme," Jenna returns to the park to meet Shana again with similar instructions. Later in the episode Melissa meets with Shana and Jenna at the Cavanaughs' house and shows her the invitation to Spencer's fake party. It is unknown how they are aware of the party as this was a plan made by "A" to get all four of the Liars there. Later Toby is knocked out by someone and the Lodge is set on fire. Many fans believe Jenna did this. At the end of the episode, on the police surveillance camera in Detective Wilden's car, Jenna and Shana are seen helping Wilden up and walking away afterAshley hits him with her car. Jenna may have actually been meeting up with Melissa in "UnmAsked" to give her instructions about what to do at the Masquerade Ball.We know Jenna, Melissa, and Shana are all on the B Team, but what about these?
Lucas is presumed by fans to be on "The B-Team." Reasons why is because Lucas was seen talking to Melissa and Jenna in "UnmAsked". He was also at Spencer's house in "She's Better Now" for unknown reasons wearing a black hoodie, then Toby tried to run over him. Now it's known that Toby joined the A-Team to protect Spencer.Wilden
Wilden is presumed by fans to be on The B-Team because Jenna and Shana are seen rescuing him.Red Coat
Red Coat is believed by many to be the one leading the team.Jason
Jason is believed to be in the team, because he's the only one left from the N.A.T. Club who is alive.The B Teams Ulterior Motives
One theory that's been batted around the internet for a while now is that the Liars aren't the only ones the "A" team has harassed. It's possible that these three girls have been targeted too, and have now teamed up to try to take the "A" team down. Another speculated theory is that Melissa, Jenna, and Shana, (so far the only people to be revealed in this separate group) are connected to Ali's murder, (or possibly with the A Team) due to recent events in "A DAngerous GAme". The three were talking in Jenna's house about the Liars "having the tapes", presumably referring to "The Ali Tapes". They also knew that the Liars would be at Thornhill Lodge. They also dragged Wilden's unconscious body away from the scene of Ashley Marin's accident. The evidence of the police car was marked by A. We also know that Shana obviously has some connection to the Liars because it is revealed that she was the one talking to Jenna about them in "UnmAsked". We also find out that someone has barricaded the door to Thornhill who neither the Liars or Mona or the Red Coat, (A Team Members) were aware of whom the identity belongs to. Toby is also knocked out and framed for the fire by someone with a Jenna or Melissa like statuesque.
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